The Sara Evans Leadership Award recognizes faculty and academic professionals who are leaders in the advancement of women or gender-marginalized people at the University of Minnesota through leadership, academic excellence, advocacy, engagement, or program development. Two awards of $5,000 each are available each year, one in science and engineering and one in humanities, arts, and social sciences.
Eligibility Requirements and Nomination Information
Visit the University Awards section of the Faculty & Academic Affairs website for detailed information on eligibility requirements and the nomination process.
This award is named after Sara Evans, an outstanding scholar and pioneer in her field of history, as well as a campus leader in multiple venues, including leadership for women’s equity and social justice. Professor Evan’s research focused on the history of feminism as a social movement, motivated by her own involvement in civil rights, anti-war, and women’s rights activism. Named a Regents Professor in 2004 and Distinguished McKnight University Professor in 1997, Professor Evans served as Chair of the Department of History and Director of the Center for Advanced Feminist Studies during her tenure at the University of Minnesota. Quoted in 2005 as she was retiring, Sara remarked, "You need to learn the joy of asking a good question and finding out ways to the answer – that will lead you to your life's work."